- Clinical Simulation Online HomeStudy Account which includes:
- Five Teaching Simulations with detailed streaming audio explanations
- Streaming Audio Lectures covering exam content, pathology review and test-taking skills (3 hours, 15 min)
- Clinical Simulation Lecture Notes
- Full-Length 22-Problem Online Simulation Practice Exam
- 3 tokens for additional online Simulation practice (click for more info)
- Money-Back Guarantee (click here for details)
- Free Tutor Support available until you successfully pass your exam!
*The online clinical simulation homestudy is accessible for one full year from the date that it is first accessed. The 5 online teaching simulations can be run only once, but may be reviewed as many times as you wish during the one-year access period. The online Clinical Simulation practice exam is accessible for 90 days once the exam has been started and may be taken twice.
Keep in mind that you will need all the information contained in our Respiratory Therapist Multiple Choice HomeStudy in order to prepare
for and pass the Clinical Sim exam.
Although the Clinical Simulation HomeStudy offers you a great review of pathology as well as excellent simulation practice, it is not enough, by itself, for you to be fully prepared for the Clinical Simulation exam. Unlike a multiple choice exam, there is absolutely no room for guessing on the Clinical Sims. All of your decision-making on this exam is based on a thorough understanding of the concepts, guidelines and exceptions found in our Respiratory Therapist Multiple Choice Exam materials. In fact, you will need to know these concepts even better for the Clinical Sim exam than you do for passing the Therapist Multiple Choice Exam!
Even if you have already passed the Therapist Multiple Choice Exam, we strongly urge you to consider purchasing our Respiratory Therapist Multiple Choice HomeStudy, especially if it has been more than 6 months since you've reviewed these concepts. These HomeStudies sell individually for $255, but you'll pay just $370 when you purchase both HomeStudies together — a savings of $140! Pay just $29.99 more for the video streaming version!