Standard of Ethics
All materials published or provided by Kettering National Seminars are in compliance with the standard of ethics set forth by the governing testing authority.
Kettering National Seminars does not receive or disclose examination information which would subvert or attempt to subvert the examination process.
The use of words or statements such as, but not limited to; "exam", "registry", "test", "commonly seen", or "always appears" does not purport to, and cannot be understood
to be disclosing "inside information" concerning an examination.
The content of the materials is based upon the content outlines, specifications, summaries, or matrices published by the testing authority.
In accordance with the “Judicial and Ethics Policies” set forth by the National Board of Respiratory Care (NBRC®), Kettering National Seminars will only
respond to questions regarding Kettering’s material and will not discuss or disclose confidential examination information.
Kettering National Seminars will not provide advice on the treatment of patients. Kettering’s advice will be confined to its own material, examination strategy,
and hypothetical patient scenarios.
Kettering National Seminars will not discuss or disclose any information regarding its continuing education proficiency examination due to its status as a secured and closed examination.